Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Golden Road

"Once upon a time we all walked on the golden road. It was a fair highway, through the Land of Lost Delight; shadow and sunshine were blessedly mingled, and every turn and dip revealed a fresh charm and a new loveliness to eager hearts and unspoiled eyes. On that road we heard the song of morning stars; we drank in fragrances aerial and sweet as a May mist; we were rich in gossamer fancies and iris hopes; our hearts sought and found the boon of dreams; the years waited beyond and they were very fair; life was a rose-lipped comrade with purple flowers dripping from her fingers." - Montgomery
(Golden Road= Youth)

Anyone else want to go running over the sand dunes and through wheat grass fields barefoot in a flowing gown on Prince Edwards Island after reading that?... No?... Just me?... okay.